Child custody, visitations rights, and child abductions issues
What is a visitation, custody, and child support lawyer?
The court system makes orders on the "kids’ best interests" when deciding child custody and visitation issues. This is one of most challenging matters during the divorce or after divorce procedure between parents.
How father can obtain visitation rights?
The best way for both parents is make visitation arrangements. If they cannot reach agreement, this issue supposed to decide through the court. The judge can approve or disapprove visitation plan. Many fathers are playing a huge role in their children’s lives.
Can the mother deny father’s rights for visitation?
Both parents have equal rights for their minor children. Some mothers tries to exclude fathers from children’s lives, which is not right but happens.
What are the visitation rights?
The father, who is usually non-custodial parent, is usually awarded rights for visitation of children. Even if mother with child lives overseas, the father remains visitation rights.
Who has rights for establishing or disputing of paternity?
The paternity is presume when parents married. Otherwise, the parties can establish paternity voluntary (with mutual consent) or through the court (without mutual consent).
In case when parties married and father would like to challenge paternity, he can do it by filing action to the court. All parental rights and obligation occur from paternity.
Can a child choose who will be get custody?
Once a child turns 10, the judge has to ask his or her own opinion. It not means that child may choose which parent will be their primary custodial parent, and judge can overrule his or her election.
What is parental child abduction?
International parental child abduction is the removal or retention of a child outside their country of habitual residence in breach of another parent or guardian’s custody rights. The Russian Federation acceded to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Hague Abduction Convention) on October 1, 2011.
Our extensive experience in both divorce and international litigation makes us uniquely qualified to resolve complex matrimonial multi-jurisdictional matters.
Ms. Duvall received her Juris Doctorate from St. Petersburg State University in Russian Federation. While in Law School, Ms. Duvall completed a clinic in Family Law where she handled international divorce, child custody, and visitation issues, international child abduction cases, division of property, child and spousal support for indigent clients..
Ms. Duvall is fluent in English, Russian, and Ukrainian.